From the Vaults - (2006)

February 2019
This winter I've been archiving and digitizing all my old VHS tapes so they now fit on the head of a pin. Created more than a decade ago, Not About Paris Hilton was a piece made in 2006 for students and community members at Williams College. I pilfered old dances of mine - That Night, hungrymouth, Femme - and made some new stuff as well. My mission was also to "curate" some student dances within the structure of the full-length work.

I'm afraid I don't remember most of their names. What I do remember is those wonderful costumes ... and what fun it was to be back in Williamstown, riding my bike to rehearsal through streets I'd grown up in.  I also remember Kim Liu and Caitlin Roben from Paris who joined me to shoot Thaw at the Dragon's Egg later that winter. That marked the beginning of my transition to filmmaking, and to creating this blog rather than mailing a newsletter...

Does anyone care about my "transition"?
Does anyone care about these old dances - especially ones where the production value leaves a lot to be desired?
Where's the graduate student who needs a subject for a thesis:
Marta Renzi: She Persisted.  
Marta Renzi: Post-post-Anti-Modernist.  
Marta Renzi: Outdoors and For Free. 
Marta Renzi: One of Many

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